Lizard in hand

Lab Alumni

Margaret Huck, MS 

Maggie holding frog

MS Thesis: Anuran occupancy of wilderness streams (Dec 2023)

Arizona Game and Fish Dept

Brett Montgomery, MS 

Brett M inspects lizard

MS Thesis: Habitat occupancy of Arizona Toad (May 2023)

Linkedin Arizona Game and Fish Dept

Annika Enloe, MS 

Annika holding snake in desert

MS Thesis: Snake Removals, Residential Yards, and Resident Attitudes Towards Snakes in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area, Arizona (May 2023)

Jeffery Clark, PhD

Jeff Brown holds armadillo

Post-Doctoral Research Associate working with CAP LTER – webpage Ecology in a Modern World (Formerly Jeffery Brown)


Brittany Allen

Brittany holding lizard

MS Thesis: Effects of the Urban Heat Island on Small Mammal body condition (Dec 2021)

Cheyenne Herzog

Cheyenne holding snake in forest

MS Thesis: Carnivore Activity and Interactions in Riparian Forests of Southeastern Arizona (Dec 2019)

Arizona Game and Fish Dept

Sidney Riddle

Sidney crouching in forest

MS Thesis: Effects of aridification and mesquite encroachment on riparian herpetofauna of the lower San Pedro River (Dec 2018)

Biologist, US Army Corps of Engineers

Lauren Jackson

Lauren holding snake in forest

BS Thesis: Difference in ectoparasite loads in whiptail lizards with sexual modes and from native and non-native habitats (July 2017)


Tiffany Sprague

Tiffany in sunglasses holding snake

MS Thesis: Microhabitat and movement assessment for northern Mexican gartersnakes (Thamnophis eques megalops) at Bubbling Ponds Hatchery, Arizona (May 2017)

Linkedin: Arizona Game and Fish Department

Riley Andrade

Riley's silhouette in front of desert sunset

MS Thesis: Response of waterbird communities to habitat and landscape structure along an urban gradient in Phoenix, Arizona (May 2016)

Linkedin: USFWS Conservation Social Scientist

Shaneen Beebe

Shaneen preparing to hold owl on gloved arm

MS Applied Project: Heavy metal trends in feathers from Burrowing Owls in New Mexico (May 2016)

Linkedin: Project Manager at Envirosure Solutions

Brett Montgomery

Brett M inspects lizard

Barrett Honor’s Thesis: Wildlife strikes at airports


Linda Ramirez

Linda portrait

MS Applied Project: Wildlife inventory of Rancho Del Cielo, Vail, AZ (May 2015)

Kent Mosher

Kent holding snake in wild

MS Thesis: Herpetofauna community responses to saltcedar biological control and riparian restoration along a Mojave Desert stream (Dec 2014)

Fish Biologist at Bureau of Reclamation

Aaron Switalski

Aaron posing on desert mountain top

MS Thesis: Effects of artificial water sources on small mammal communities (May 2013)

Wildlife Biologist, Idaho Department of Fish & Game

Andy Bridges

Andy standing in desert canyon

MS Thesis: Sonoran desert tortoise (Gopherus morafkai) growth and juvenile habitat selection at a long-term study site in central Arizona (Dec 2012)

Wildlife Biologist, Petrified Forest National Park, retired

Danny Nielsen

Danny standing in desert

MS Thesis: Effects of saltcedar on population structure and habitat utilization of the Common Side-blotched Lizard (May 2011)

PhD in Biology at University of Nevada, Reno and author

Melanie Banville

Melanie silhouette in front of desert canyon

MS Thesis: Herpetofauna and riparian microhabitat of urban and wildland reaches along the Salt River, Arizona (May 2011)

Organic farmer and business owner