Margaret Huck, MS
MS Thesis: Anuran occupancy of wilderness streams (Dec 2023)
Arizona Game and Fish Dept
Brett Montgomery, MS
MS Thesis: Habitat occupancy of Arizona Toad (May 2023)
Linkedin Arizona Game and Fish Dept
Annika Enloe, MS

MS Thesis: Snake Removals, Residential Yards, and Resident Attitudes Towards Snakes in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area, Arizona (May 2023)
Jeffery Clark, PhD

Post-Doctoral Research Associate working with CAP LTER – webpage Ecology in a Modern World (Formerly Jeffery Brown)
Brittany Allen

MS Thesis: Effects of the Urban Heat Island on Small Mammal body condition (Dec 2021)
Cheyenne Herzog

MS Thesis: Carnivore Activity and Interactions in Riparian Forests of Southeastern Arizona (Dec 2019)
Arizona Game and Fish Dept
Sidney Riddle

MS Thesis: Effects of aridification and mesquite encroachment on riparian herpetofauna of the lower San Pedro River (Dec 2018)
Biologist, US Army Corps of Engineers
Lauren Jackson

BS Thesis: Difference in ectoparasite loads in whiptail lizards with sexual modes and from native and non-native habitats (July 2017)
Tiffany Sprague

MS Thesis: Microhabitat and movement assessment for northern Mexican gartersnakes (Thamnophis eques megalops) at Bubbling Ponds Hatchery, Arizona (May 2017)
Linkedin: Arizona Game and Fish Department
Riley Andrade

MS Thesis: Response of waterbird communities to habitat and landscape structure along an urban gradient in Phoenix, Arizona (May 2016)
Linkedin: USFWS Conservation Social Scientist
Shaneen Beebe

MS Applied Project: Heavy metal trends in feathers from Burrowing Owls in New Mexico (May 2016)
Linkedin: Project Manager at Envirosure Solutions
Brett Montgomery

Barrett Honor’s Thesis: Wildlife strikes at airports
Linda Ramirez

MS Applied Project: Wildlife inventory of Rancho Del Cielo, Vail, AZ (May 2015)
Kent Mosher

MS Thesis: Herpetofauna community responses to saltcedar biological control and riparian restoration along a Mojave Desert stream (Dec 2014)
Fish Biologist at Bureau of Reclamation
Aaron Switalski

MS Thesis: Effects of artificial water sources on small mammal communities (May 2013)
Wildlife Biologist, Idaho Department of Fish & Game
Andy Bridges

MS Thesis: Sonoran desert tortoise (Gopherus morafkai) growth and juvenile habitat selection at a long-term study site in central Arizona (Dec 2012)
Wildlife Biologist, Petrified Forest National Park, retired
Danny Nielsen

MS Thesis: Effects of saltcedar on population structure and habitat utilization of the Common Side-blotched Lizard (May 2011)
PhD in Biology at University of Nevada, Reno and author
Melanie Banville

MS Thesis: Herpetofauna and riparian microhabitat of urban and wildland reaches along the Salt River, Arizona (May 2011)
Organic farmer and business owner